Mid-Summer Reading List

When I have time, there’s usually a stack of books next to my bed and I don’t leave my room for hours. As I’m either captured by the personality of a fictional character or becoming completely inspired with career motivation, books are something I seriously can’t go without. And if it wasn’t for this little thing called life, you probably wouldn’t be able to get me to stop. Here’s a few that have stolen my attention already this summer.

1. Everything I Need to Know I learned at Vogue by Maria Devaney

Working for and having my own magazine is an absolute dream of mine, so to have this book in my collection means pure excitement as I read about the true story of a woman becoming totally transformed by the leading fashion publication in the world. Each chapter not only gives her experience, but a lesson she learned after each one that can be applied to more than one career. This is my new go-to for reference and advice.

2. Glass Sword by Victoria Aveyard 

My eyes can’t be peeled away when it comes to a good fictional book. This one is no exception, especially since it’s a sequel to a new popular series (The Red Queen). You’re mind will be racing as the typical royalty setting is transformed into a world full untold magic and questions to follow. And of course no book is complete without a love triangle thrown into the mix.

3. The Cain Chronicles by SM Reine 

After stumbling upon this author on the Kindle App from Amazon, I am obsessed. Reine constantly has new online book releases, and her curves in each plot keeps you guessing for answers with each new book. This author focuses her writing on the subject of mythology and modern-day circumstances.  One time, (in a three-week period) I was able to read 10 of her books non-stop, and can safely say she had more of my attention than the Twilight Saga.

4. The Traveler’s Gift by Andy Andrews

Blending in with some of my recent spiritual posts, this books focuses on self-discovery based off a character making decisions with each famous historical character he meets. By living with daily struggles, it’s enough to set someone in the mindset to give up. However, the storyline has you critically thinking about your next step, while taking a look at your personal endeavors.

5. Harpar’s Bazaar 

No, this isn’t exactly a book, but it sure counts if you see the monthly issues scattered around my room. This demonstrates my entire style all in one publication while heightening my taste in high-fashion and an unforgettable lifestyle. Without this type of magazine in my life, I may have never found my passion for such a career.

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